为了纪念妇女历史月, 滚球投注平台 recognizes notable female alumni who have gone on to succeed in their respective fields.

  • 美国民权活动家、记者和作家
  • 曾任全国有色人种协会国家自由奖主席
  • Named one of the 100 Most Fascinating Black Women of the 20th Century by Ebony Magazine
  • 获得7个荣誉博士学位

Myrlie Evers-Williams is an American civil rights activist and journalist who worked for over three decades to seek justice for the 1963 murder of her husband Medgar Evers, 另一位民权活动家. 她还担任过全国有色人种协进会主席, and published several books on topics related to civil rights and her husband’s legacy. She delivered the invocation at the second inauguration of Barack Obama in 2013.

  • 密西西比州第一位女巡回法官
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莉莉·布莱克蒙·桑德斯法官的照片.莉莉·布莱克蒙·桑德斯法官 is a judge for the Sixth Judicial District of 密西西比州, 为亚当斯服务, Amite, 富兰克林, 和威尔金森县. Sanders was the first female circuit judge in the state of 密西西比州.

  • 滚球投注生物科学主席
  • 第一位女, 密西西比人, and African American to earn a Doctor of Philosophy as a Southern Regional Education Board Scholar
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医生的照片. Voletta威廉姆斯.Dr. Voletta威廉姆斯 serves as the chairperson for 滚球投注’s Department of Biological Sciences. 她是第一位女性, 密西西比人, and African American to earn a Doctor of Philosophy as a Southern Regional Education Board Scholar.

  • First African-American Woman to Graduate from a State Supported University
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比乌拉·特纳·罗宾逊的照片.滚球投注的校友. 比乌拉·特纳·罗宾逊 in 1888 became the FIRST black woman in the history of the United States to graduate from a state supported college or university.

  • 担任滚球投注美术主席
  • 为滚球投注学生设立了数百个音乐奖学金
  • 在滚球投注公司工作了40多年

医生的照片. 乔伊斯博尔登.Dr. 乔伊斯博尔登 made significant contributions as the chairperson for 滚球投注’s Department of Fine Arts that included spearheading the initial accreditation efforts for the department in 1981. Bolden is also known for initiating scholarships for music majors and music ensemble participants, which has led to hundreds of students benefiting from financial assistance. 博尔登为滚球投注公司服务了40多年.

  • First Woman and African American to be named director of the Atmospheric Turbulence and Diffusion Division of NOAA’s Air Resources Laboratory
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妇女历史月. Dr. 拉托亚·迈尔斯.Dr. 拉托亚·迈尔斯 is the first woman and African American to be named director of the Atmospheric Turbulence and Diffusion Division of NOAA’s Air Resources Laboratory. 在她的角色中, Myles provides leadership and coordination for atmospheric boundary layer research programs that include dispersion, 大气化学, and climate observations and analyses that support NOAA’s mission of science, 服务, 和管理工作.

  • 担任了30年滚球投注女子勇士队篮球总教练
  • 2014年SWAC校友会终身成就奖

雪莉·沃克教练的照片.教练雪莉·沃克 led the 滚球投注 Lady Braves basketball team to 493 wins during her 30-year tenure as head coach. Her teams won 12 regular season and six Southwestern Athletic Conference (SWAC) tournament titles and qualified for the NCAA Tournament three times.

  • 西南电力第一位非洲裔女性董事
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凯丽·约翰逊的照片.卡莉约翰逊 is the first African American female director at Southwest Electric in Lorman, 密西西比州. She has served as the at-large director since February 2015 and was recently appointed to represent District 7, 包括克莱本县和杰斐逊县.

  • Manager of Workforce Development and Diversity at Entergy Corporation in Jackson, 密西西比州
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贝蒂娜·布兰登的照片.Betina Brandon serves as manager of Workforce Development and Diversity at Entergy Corporation in Jackson, 密西西比州. Her job is to develop the workforce for local sources of talent with external partners that include school districts, 大专院校, 和更多的.

  • 家庭护士
  • 密西西比州费耶特市优质健康诊所的老板
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Cinda Perryman Jackson的照片.Cinda Perryman Jackson is a family nurse practitioner and owner of Prime 健康 and Wellness Clinic in Fayette, 密西西比州. The clinic offers family centered healthcare for adults and children.

  • The Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer at Frontier Nursing University in Kentucky
  • Board Member At Large for the National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties
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妇女历史月. Dr. 杰拉尔丁年轻. Dr. 杰拉尔丁年轻 serves as the chief diversity and inclusion officer at Frontier Nursing University in Kentucky. 这所学校, 也被称为FNU, is one of the largest not-for-profit universities in the United States for advanced nursing and midwifery education. Young also serves as a board member at large for the National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties, the only organization specifically devoted to promoting high equality nurse practitioner education.

  • Award Winning Professor, Author, Motivational Speaker, Political Activist
  • 2008年美国路易斯安那州黑人小姐 & 2009
  • 美国黑人小姐大赛季军
  • 耶稣与正义电台主持人. Tiff
  • 2020年美国黑人小姐遗产奖得主
  • 滚球投注平台校友

医生的照片. 蒂芙尼米. 劳埃德.Dr. 蒂芙尼米. 劳埃德 is an award winning professor, author, motivational speaker, and social activist. 劳埃德被选为2008年和2009年美国路易斯安那州黑人小姐. 她也是2019年美国黑人小姐遗产奖得主.

  • 滚球投注平台校长的行政助理, 在过去的25年里任职

凯伦Shedrick的照片.凯伦Shedrick has served as executive assistant to the president for the past 25 years. 在担任现职之前, Shedrick was an administrative assistant to the executive vice president and a secretary/receptionist for the President’s Office. 她在香港中文大学服务了33年.

  • 全国广播节目主持人天狼星XM和成功的作家
  • Serves as Chair and Award-winning Professor for the Department of 通信 and Associate Vice President of Research and Institutional Advancement at Tennessee State University
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医生的照片. Tameka温斯顿.Dr. Tameka温斯顿 serves as the chair for the Department of 通信 at Tennessee State University. She is also an award-winning professor for the Department while serving as associate vice president of Research and Institutional Advancement. Winston is a national radio show host on Sirius XM and an accomplished author.